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1) Zhandos Utegulov, Vladimir Bessonov, Kairolla Sekerbayev, Azat Abdullaev, Vladimir Skuratov, Jacques O'Connell "Micro-Scale Depth-Resolved Elastic and Photo-Elastic Inhomogeneities in Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Spinel", TMS Annual Meeting, Symposium on Mechanical Behavior of Nuclear Reactor Materials and Components IV, Las Vegas, NV, USA, March 23 - 27, 2025
2) A.Abdullaev, K. Sekerbayev, L. Mukhangaliyeva, R. Tlegenov, Z. Utegulov, A. Kuznetsov "Thermal transport in ion beam modified Ga2O3 polymorphs", 2025 SPIE Photonics West, Oxide-based Materials and Devices XVI, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 25 - 30, 2025
3) S. Alisherov, B. Kurbanova, Z. Katrenova, Z. Ashikbayeva, A. Sametova, A. Gaipov, W. Blanc,  D. Tosi, C. Molardi, Z. Utegulov "Real-time distributed optical fiber system for simultaneous temperature and viscoelasticity monitoring during laser ablation in biological tissues enabled by nanoparticle-doped fibers", 2025 SPIE Photonics West, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXXVI, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 25 - 30, 2025
4) Z. Utegulov, V. Bessonov, K. Sekerbayev, A. Abdullaev, V. Skuratov and J. O'Connell "Micro-Scale Depth-Resolved Control of Elastic, Optical and Structural Inhomogeneities in Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Spinel" Fall Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, December 1 - 6, 2024
5) Z. N. Utegulov, A. Abdullaev, K. Sekerbayev, A. Shamatova, A. Koshkinbayeva, Z. Nurekeyev, B. Muminov, A. Kozlovskiy, V. S. Chauhan, R. Rymzhanov, A. J. van Vuuren, J. O’Connell, V. Skuratov, M. Khafizov, Y. Wang "Nano- and micro-scale phonon-mediated thermal transport in swift heavy ion irradiated crystalline insulators", 2024 International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and International Thermal Expansion Symposium (ITES), Charlottesville, VA, USA, October 27 - 30, 2024
6) A.Abdullaev, K. Sekerbayev, J. O’Connell, V. Skuratov, M. Khafizov, A. Kuznetsov, Z. Utegulov "Phonon heat transport in ion beam modified Ga2O3 thin films", 2024 International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and International Thermal Expansion Symposium (ITES), Charlottesville, VA, USA, October 27 - 30, 2024
7) Zhandos Utegulov, Kairolla Sekerbayev, Omid Farzadian, Ivan Tkhorzhevskiy, Azat Abdullayev, Yanwei Wang “Thermal transport recovery in irradiated nanocrystalline SiCNuMat: The Nuclear Materials Conference, Singapore, October 14 – 17, 2024
8) Z. Utegulov “Nano- and micro- scale phonon mediated thermal transport in swift heavy ion irradiated insulators” International Conference "Modern Problems of Condensed Matter Physics, Nanotechnology and Nanomtareials" of Scientific Research Forum of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Northwestern Polytechnical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 26 - 28, 2024
9) V. Bessonov, K. Sekerbayev, A. Abdullaev, V. Skuratov, J. O'Connell and Z. Utegulov “Depth profiling of elastic, photo-elastic, optical abd vibrational inhomogeneities in swift heavy ion irradiated spinel” Nazarbayev University Annual Research Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 19 – 21, 2024

10) O. Farzadian, H. Rezgui, Sekerbayev, I. Tkhorzhevskiy, A. Abdullaev, J. O'Connell, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Z. Utegulov “Heat transport and phonon hydrodynamics in nanocrystalline silicon carbide” Nazarbayev University Annual Research Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 19 – 21, 2024 
11) R. Tlegenov, A. Abdullaev, K. Sekerbayev, A. Kuznetsov, Z. Utegulov “Microscale Heat Transport in Ga2O3 polymorphs” Nazarbayev University Annual Research Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 19 – 21, 2024
12) A. Shamatova, V. Bessonov, Y. Kuttybay, A. Abdullaev, V. Skuratov and Z. N. Utegulov “Micro-Scale Thermal Transport and Elastic Properties of Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Y3Al5O12” Nazarbayev University Annual Research Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 19 – 21, 2024
13) K. Sekerbayev, O. Farzadian, Y. Wang, Z. Utegulov “Nano-layered Stacking Fault Mediated Heat Transport Recovery in Ion Irradiated SiC” Nazarbayev University Annual Research Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 19 – 21, 2024
14) B. Kurbanova, D. Chakraborty, A. Abdullaev, A. Shamatova, Y. Yerlanuly, O. Makukha, A. Belarouci, V. Lysenko, A. Azarov, A. Kuznetsov, Y. Wang  and  Z. Utegulov “Multi-scale heat transport in nano-porous semiconducting films” Nazarbayev University Annual Research Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 19 – 21, 2024
15) A. Abdullaev, L. Mukhangaliyeva, K. Sekerbayev, M. Peres, Z. N. Utegulov “Nanoscale heat transport in β-Ga2O3 nano-membranes” Nazarbayev University Annual Research Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 19 – 21, 2024
16) L. Mukhangaliyeva, B. Kurbanova, C. Kharmyssov, S.Alisherov, Z. Ashikbayeva , Z. Katrenova, A. Sametova , C. Molardi , D.Tosi, and Z.N. Utegulov “Non-invasive Brillouin sensing of thermo-visco-elastic properties of biological tissues” Nazarbayev University Annual Research Conference, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 19 – 21, 2024. Achieved the best conference poster award.
17) V. Bessonov, K. Sekerbayev, A. Abdullaev, V. Skuratov, J. O'Connell and Z. Utegulov “Depth-resolved photoluminescence and Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy of heavy ion irradiated spinel”  21st International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Astana, Kazakhstan, August 19 – 23, 2024. Achieved the best conference poster award.
18) K. S. Sekerbayev, O. Farzadian, I. Tkhorzhevskiy, A. Abdullayev, Y. Wang and Z. N. Utegulov “The Effect of High-Density Stacking Faults and Nanograins on Thermal Conductivity of Irradiated Silicon Carbide” 21st International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Astana, Kazakhstan, August 19 – 23, 2024
19) A. Abdullaev, K. Sekerbayev, R. Tlegenov, L. Mukhangaliyeva, A. Azarov, A. Kuznetsov, Z. N. Utegulov “Nanoscale phonon heat transport in ion beam modified Ga2O3” 21st International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Astana, Kazakhstan, August 19 – 23, 2024
20) A. Shamatova, Y. Kuttybay, A. Abdullaev, V. Skuratov and Zhandos N. Utegulov “Non-Contact Thermoreflectance Methods for Micro-Scale Phonon Thermal Transport Measurements in YAG irradiated by 167 MeV Xe” 21st International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Astana, Kazakhstan, August 19 – 23, 2024
21) B. Kurbanova, D. Chakraborty, A. Abdullaev, A. Shamatova, O. Makukha, A. Belarouci, V. Lysenko, A. Azarov, A. Kuznetsov, Y. Wang, Z. Utegulov, "Multiscale characterization of  heat conduction in nano-porous Si", 21st International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Astana, Kazakhstan, August 19 – 23, 2024
22)  Z. Utegulov “Nano- and micro- scale thermal transport and mechanical properties of irradiated materials” International School of 21st International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials - ICDIM 2024, August 18, 2024
23) Z. Utegulov, A. Abdullaev, J. O’Connel, R. Rymzhanov, V. Skuratov “Time-domain thermoreflectance for thermal transport measurement in swift heavy ion irradiated nitride ceramics”, International Conference on Photothermal and Photoacoustic Phenomena ICPPP-22, Coimbra, Portugal, July 8-12, 2024
24) Kairolla Sekerbayev, Omid Farzadian, Yanwei Wang, Zhandos Utegulov "Recovery of thermal conductivity of irradiated 3C-SiC in the presence of stacking faults", 17th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials (IIB 2024), Beijing, China, July 8 – 12, 2024
25) Omid Farzadian, Kairolla Sekerbayev, Yanwei Wang, Zhandos Utegulov "Spatially-Resolved Nanoscale Inter- and Intra- Grain Heat Conduction in 3C-SiC", 17th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials (IIB 2024), Beijing, China, July 8 – 12, 2024 
26) Yanwei Wang, Kairolla Sekerbayev, Omid Farzadian, Zhandos Utegulov "Computational insights into enhancing silicon carbide  thermal transport through structural manipulation and ion irradiation", 3rd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences (ACTS 2024), Shanghai, China, June 23-27, 2024
27) O. Farzadian, Y. Wang and Z. Utegulov "Nanoscale thermal transport in SiC: effects of inter-grain misorientation, grain size and crystal anisotropy", 2024 Spring MRS Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, April 22-26, 2024 
28) M. Khafizov, V. Chauhan, H. Ma, Z. Hua, A. Abdullaev, S. Priam, S. Adnan, E. Nosal, M. Manley, Z. Utegulov, L. He, D. Hurley “Tailoring thermal conductivity anisotropy using ion beam modification” ", 2024 Spring MRS Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA, April 22-26, 2024 
29) Anna Shamatova, Yerbol Kuttybay, Azat Abdullaev, Vladimir Skuratov and Zhandos N. Utegulov “Advanced Thermoreflectance Techniques for Non-Contact Measurement of Micro-Scale Phonon Thermal Transport in Swift Heavy Ion Irradiated Yttrium Aluminium Garnet”, 15th International Ural Seminar «Radiation physics of metals and alloys”, Kyshtym, Russia, February 26 – March 1, 2024
30) Z. N. Utegulov, A. Abdullaev, K. Sekerbayev, B. Muminov, J. O’Connell, R. Rymzhanov, V. A. Skuratov, A. Kozlovskiy, Y. Wang “Spatially resolved heat conduction in swift heavy ion irradiated metal oxides by advanced thermoreflectance techniques” Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES) Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, December 10-14, 2023
31) Z. Utegulov, A. Abdullaev, K. Sekerbayev, R. Rymzhanov, V. Skuratov, A. Kozlovskyi, Y. Wang "Spatially resolved phonon thermal transport in swift heavy ion irradiated single crystalline insulators" International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators REI-21, Fukuoka, Japan, September 3-8, 2023
32) Z. N. Utegulov, A. Abdullaev, V. S. Chauhan, B. Muminov, J. O'Connel, V. A. Skuratov, M. Khafizov "Heat transport across nanoscale damage profile and thermal anisotropy in sapphire irradiated by swift heavy ions" 3rd Annual Meeting of Kazakh Physical Society, Kurchatov, Kazakhstan, June 7 - 11, 2023
33) A. Abdullaev, A. Koshkinbayeva, V. Chauhan, Z. Nurekeyev, J. O'Connel, A. J van Vuuren, V. Skuratov, M. Khafizov, Z. Utegulov "Depth-dependent thermal conductivity and damage in swift heavy ion irradiated metal oxides", 3rd Annual Meeting of Kazakh Physical Society, Kurchatov, Kazakhstan, June 7 - 11, 2023
34) B.A. Kurbanova, A. Abdullaev, A. Belarouci, V. Lysenko and Z.N. Utegulov "Thermal transport in Si nanocomposite films" 3rd Annual Meeting of Kazakh Physical Society, Kurchatov, Kazakhstan, June 7 - 11, 2023

35) O. Farzadian, A. Razeghiyadaki, C. Spitas and K. V. Kostas, Y. Wang, Z. N. Utegulov "Interfacial nanoscale phonon thermal transport across graphene-carbon nitride and silicon carbide structures", 3rd Annual Meeting of Kazakh Physical Society, Kurchatov, Kazakhstan, June 7 - 11, 2023

36) Kairolla Sekerbayev, Azat Abdullaev, Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev, S. Mehdi Vaez Allaei, Yanwei Wang, Zhandos Utegulov "Ab initio simulation of swift heavy ion-driven damage on nanoscale thermal transport in ZnO" Spring MRS Meeting, San Francisco, April 10-14, 2023

37) Azat Abdullaev, Kairolla Sekerbayev, Alexander Azarov, Zhandos Utegulov, Andrej Kuznetsov "Thermal transport in Ga2O3 polymorph heterostructuresSpring MRS Meeting, San Francisco, April 10-14, 2023
38) B.A. Kurbanova, A. Abdullaev, A. Belarouci, V. Lysenko and Z.N. Utegulov "Thermal transport in fluid-filled Si nanocomposite filmsSpring MRS Meeting, San Francisco, April 10-14, 2023

39) Kairolla Sekerbayev, Azat Abdullaev, Damir Karikov, Yanwei Wang and Zhandos Utegulov “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Thermal Transport in Ion Irradiated Materials”, 2021 Nazarbayev University Symposium on High Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Dec 10, 2021
40) Azat Abdullaev, Arno Janse van Vuuren, Mostafa Valdakhani, Jacques O'Connel, Ruslan Rymzhanov, S. Mehdi Vaez Allaei, Vladimir Skuratov and Zhandos Utegulov "The effect of Al doping on nanosclae thermal transport in swift heavy irradiated polrystalline Si3N4", Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Symposium EN03-Thermal Materials, Modeling and Technoeconomic Impacts for Thermal Management and Energy Application, November 28 - December 3, 2021
41) Z. N. Utegulov, A. Abdullaev, A. Koshkinbayeva, V. Chauhan, Y. Wang, B. Muminov, Z. Nurekeyev, J. O'Connell, A. J. van Vuuren, M. Khafizov, V. Skuratov "Nano- and micro-scale phonon heat transport in swift heavy ion irradiated insulators" 3rd International Forum on Nuclear Science and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sept 20-24, 2021

42) Y. Yermekbay, A. Abdullaev, A. Dawood, T. Kissikov, Z. Nurekeyev and Z.N. Utegulov "Time-resolved micro-spectral radiometry during nanosecond laser pulse heating of tungsten thin films" 21st Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, USA, June 20–25, 2021 

43) A. Abdullaev, B. Soltabayev, B. Uzakbaiuly, Z. Bakenov and Z. N. Utegulov “The effect of electrochemical lithium insertion on thermal transport of titanate-based thin films”,  Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Symposium NM08: Nanoscale Heat Transport—Fundamentals, Seattle, Washington, USA, April 18 – 23, 2021
44) Ainur Koshkinbayeva, Azat Abdullaev, Vinay Chauhan, Mostafa Valadkhani, Ruslan Rymzhanov, S. Mehdi Vaez Allaei, Marat Khafizov, Vladimir Skuratov and Zhandos Utegulov “Nano- and micro-scale thermal conduction in AlN and Si3N4 ceramics irradiated by swift heavy ions”, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Symposium NM08: Nanoscale Heat Transport—Fundamentals, Seattle, Washington, USA, April 18 – 23, 2021
45) B.A. Kurbanova, G.K. Mussabek, V.Y. Timoshenko and Z.N. Utegulov "Thermal transport properties of dried colloidal silicon nanoparticle films by micro-Raman spectroscopyMaterials Research Society Spring Meeting, Symposium NM08: Nanoscale Heat Transport—Fundamentals, Seattle, Washington, USA, April 18 – 23, 2021
46) A. Koshkinbayeva, A. Abdullayev and Z. N. Utegulov "Matching optimal physical descriptors of two-layer materials in search of high interfacial thermal conductance using Gaussian process regression", Fall Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, November 28 - December 4, 2020.  
47) Dulat Akzhigitov, Tamerlan Srymbetov, Boris Golman, Christos Spitas and Zhandos N. Utegulov "Atomic scale insight into melting of BCC tungsten under shear stresses by extended Finnis-Sinclair potential: molecular dynamics simulation", Fall Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, November 28 - December 4, 2020.  
48) Abduzhappar Gaipov,  Zhanatay Nurekeyev, Alisher Sultangaziyev, Duman Turebekov, Pavel Tarlykov, Rostislav Bukasov, Zhandos Utegulov "Brillouin and Raman spectroscopies for non-contact assessment of mechanochemical properties of urinary proteins: a proof of concept study", 57th ERA-EDTA Congress, Milan, Italy, June 6-9, 2020
49) Dulat Akzhigitov, Tamerlan Srymbetov, Boris Golman, Christos Spitas and Zhandos N. Utegulov "Melting point in tungsten under complex stress: molecular dynamics calculations with modified Finnis-Sinclair potential" International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Engineering AMSE 2020, March 28 -31, Osaka, Japan
50) A. Abdullaev, V. S. Chauhan, J. O’Connell, V. A. Skuratov,  M. Khafizov and Z. N. Utegulov "Nano- and micro-scale thermal transport in swift heavy ion irradiated oxides", 2020 The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS) Annual Meeting - Symposium on Thermal Transport in Crystalline and Non-Crystalline Solids: Theory and Experiments; San Diego, California, USA, February 23-27, 2020
51) A. Koshkinbayeva, A. Abdullaev, Z. Nurekeyev, V. A. Skuratov and Z. N. Utegulov "Nanoscale cross-plane thermal transport and structural characterization of swift heavy ion irradiated LiF crystals", Fall Materials Research Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, December 1 - 6, 2019
52) Z. N. Utegulov, T. Yakupov and A. Shomanov "Brillouin spectroscopy for characterization of non-Newtonian flow behavior of simple liquids", 12th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Xian, China, October 2 - 6, 2019
53) Z. N. Utegulov, A. Abdullaev, B. Muminov, J. O’Connell, V. A. Skuratov, V. S. Chauhan, M. Khafizov "Swift heavy ion track formation and amorphization in Al2O3: sub-surface thermal transport study by ultrafast modulated thermoreflectance", 20th International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, August 19 - 23, 2019
54) A. Abdullaev, V. S. Chauhan, J. O’Connell, V. A. Skuratov, A. Janse van Vuuren, M. Khafizov and Z. N. Utegulov "Nano- and micro-scale thermal transport in swift heavy ion irradiated Al2O3", 20th International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, August 19 - 23, 2019
55) A. Koshkinbayeva, A. Abdullaev, Z. Nurekeyev, V. A. Skuratov, Z. N. Utegulov "Swift heavy ion irradiated LiF crystals: nanoscale cross-plane thermal transport and structural characterization" 20th International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, August 19 - 23, 2019
56) A. Abdullaev, A. Mukanova, T. Yakupov, A. Mentbayeva, Z. Bakenov and Z. N. Utegulov "Nanoscale thermal transport and elastic properties of lithiated Si anode films for lithium ion batteries", International conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems Advances, Almaty, Kazakhstan, August 7 - 9, 2019 
57) A. Abdullaev, B. Muminov, J. O’Connell, V. A. Skuratov, V. S. Chauhan, M. Khafizov and Z. N. Utegulov "Cross-plane variation of thermal conductivity in swift heavy ion irradiated sapphire: modulated picosecond thermoreflectance", 20th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Moscow, Russia, July 7 - 12, 2019
58) T. Salikhov, J. Sharifov, U. Mavdaliev and Z. N. Utegulov "The effect of temperature-dependent optical absorption on the second harmonic of nonlinear photoacoustic signal", 20th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Moscow, Russia, July 7 - 12, 2019
59) Singh Chauhan, Azat Abdullaev , Zhandos N. Utegulov and Marat Khafizov "Thermal transport in sapphire irradiated by swift heavy ions", 61st MRS Electronic Material Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, June 26 - 28, 2019 
60) A. Abdullaev, T. Yakupov, A. Mukanova, A. Yermukhambetova, Z. Bakenov and Z. N. Utegulov "Nanoscale Thermal Transport in Lithiated Si Anode Films", Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 22 - 26, 2019
61) A. Abdullaev, M. Kaikanov, T. Yakupov, A. Stepanov, Z. N. Utegulov and A. Tikhonov "Near surface thermal transport and structural characterization of intense pulsed ion beam irradiated refractory materials", NuMat2018: Nuclear Materials Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, October 14 - 18, 2018
62) T. Yakupov and Z. N. Utegulov “Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy as a probe of non-Newtonian behavior of simple liquids”, Advances in Brillouin Light Scattering & BioBrillouin Meeting, Perugia, Italy, September 12 – 14, 2018 
63) Talgat Yakupov, Almas Rakhymzhanov, Altynbek Karabatyrov and Zhandos N. Utegulov "Viscoelastic properties of complex binary hydro-carbon fluid mixtures: Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy", 20th Symposium of Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, Colorado, USA, June 24 - 29, 2018
64) Dana Akilbekova, Talgat Yakupov, V. Ogai, B. Umbayev, Zhandos N. Utegulov and Vladislav V. Yakovlev, "Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy for tissue engineering application", SPIE Photonics West Bios, Optical Elastography and Tissue Biomechanics V, San Francisco, CA, USA, January 27 - February 1, 2018
65) Z.N. Utegulov, D. Alimzhanov, B. Muminov, A. Abdullaev, A. Koshkinbayeva, T. Yakupov, A. Tuigynbek and V. A. Skuratov, "Ultrafast laser optical studies of near-surface thermal conductivity in insulators irradiated by swift and heavy ions", International Scientific Forum «Nuclear Science and Technologies», Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 12 -15, 2017
66) Z. N. Utegulov, A. Abdullaev, B. Muminov, A. Rakhymzhanov and N. Mynbayev "Real-time ultrasonic diagnostics of melting in refractory metals induced by nanosecond pulse laser", International Scientific Forum «Nuclear Science and Technologies», Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 12 -15, 2017 


67) Z. N. Utegulov, A.M. Rakhymzhanov and B. Baptayev, “Brillouin viscoelastometry of hydrocarbon binary mixture liquids” 10th Liquid Matter Conference “Liquids-2017”, Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 17-21, 2017

68) Z.N. Utegulov, D. Alimzhanov, B. Muminov, A. Abdullaev, T. Yakupov, A. Koshkinbayeva, A. Tuigynbek, I. Nadinov and V. A. Skuratov “Near-surface thermal transport studies of swift heavy ion irradiated insulators by picosecond time-domain thermoreflectance”, 19th International Conference on Radiation Effects in Insulators, Versailles, France, July 2-7, 2017 
69) A. Rakymzhan, T. Yakupov, Z. Yelemessova, R. Bukasov, V. V. Yakovlev and Z. N. Utegulov "Monitoring of vegetation drying by Brillouin and Raman spectroscopies", 2017 SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing, Anaheim, California, USA, April 9 - 13, 2017

70) Zhandos Utegulov, Azat Abdullayev, Baurzhan Muminov, Almas Rakhymzhanov and Nessipbek Mynbayev, "“Hearing” pulsed laser melting in heat-resistant materials for applications in post-irradiation examination of nuclear fuels", Material Research Society Fall Meeting, November 29 - December 2, 2016
71) Zhandos Utegulov "Nanosecond time resolved solid-to-melt phase transition in metals: laser acoustics studies", 3rd Dynamics Days in Central Asia, Astana, Kazakhstan, September 2 - 5, 2016 
72) Talgat Yakupov, Zhandos N. Utegulov, Taha Demirkan and Tansel Karabacak "Elastic and structural properties of nanometer scale-thick heat-resistant metallic films", 4th International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Energy Storage Systems, Almaty, Kazakhstan, August 11-12, 2016

73) A. Abdullayev, B. Muminov, A. Rakhymzhanov, N. Mynbayev and Z.N. Utegulov "Nanosecond Laser Pulse-Induced Melting Thresholds in Refractory Metals", 11th International Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, Krakow, Poland, June 21-24, 2016
74) Dana Akilbekova, Darkhan Alimzhanov and Zhandos Utegulov "Biomechanical properties of collagens studied by Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy",  4th International Conference on Regenerative Medicine and Healthy Aging, Session 1: "Innovative Medicine, Bioengineering and Cell Technologies, Nazarbayev University,  Astana, Kazakhstan, May 11-12, 2016
75) Z. N. Utegulov “Nanosecond laser-mater interaction: thermal conduction, thermal radiation, melting, ablation and ultrasonics for nuclear energy application”, Green Photonics International Symposium, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, October 29-30, 2015
76) V. Poborchii , Y. Morita, T. Tada, P. Geshev, Z. Utegulov and A. Volkov "Si Nanofilm Efficient UV Solar Absorber", 2015 International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials, Sapporo, Japan, Sept 27-30, 2015
77) A. Rakhymzhanov, N. Mynbayev and Z.N. Utegulov “Automated nanosecond laser pulse-induced melting and ultrasonics in refractory metals by two-wave mixing photorefractive interferometry”, 4th International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics & Advanced Sensing, Evanston, IL, USA, June 28 - July 2, 2015
78) A.M. Rakhymzhanov , Z.N. Utegulov, E.A. Redondo, G. Fytas, D. Perevoznik, K. Kurselis, R. Kiyan, B.N. Chichkov, A. Gueddida and B. Djafari-Rouhani “Hypersonic soft phononic crystal fabricated by femtosecond laser-induced two-photon polymerization”, 3rd International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport and Phonon Coupling PHONONICS-2015, Paris, France, May 31, 2015 – June 5, 2015

79) T. Yakupov, Z. N. Utegulov, T. Demirkan and T. Karabacak “Elastic and microstructural properties of hard refractory metal thin films fabricated by DC magnetron sputtering”, 42nd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, USA, April 20-24, 2015

80) T. Yakupov, Z. N. Utegulov, T. Demirkan and T. Karabacak “Elastic and microstructural properties of hard refractory metal thin Films fabricated by DC magnetron sputtering”, Nazarbayev University Research Week, Book of Abstracts, Astana, Nazarbayev University, 2014

81) A. Rakhymzhanov, N. Mynbayev and Z.N. Utegulov “Automated nanosecond laser pulse-induced melting and ultrasonics in refractory metals by two-wave mixing photorefractive interferometry”, Nazarbayev University Research Week, Nazarbayev University,
Astana, Kazakhstan, September 2014
82) Z. N. Utegulov, A. M. Rakhymzhanov, N. A. Mynbayev, A. G. Every, I. A. Veres, S. J. Reese, F. Farzbod, R. S. Schley and D. H. Hurley "Nanosecond laser-induced acoustics, heating, meltingand ablation of refractory metals for nuclear energy applications", International Scientific Symposium "New Concepts in Condensed Matter Physics", Almaty, Kazakhstan, November 17-18, 2014

83) I. A. Veres, Z. N. Utegulov and A.G.Every “Thermo-acoustics of pulsed laser-induced phase transition in tungsten by FDTD numerical simulation” 3rd International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics and Advanced Sensing, Yokohama, Japan, June 25-28, 2013

84) A.G. Every, Z. N. Utegulov and I. A. Veres “Laser surface thermoelastic generation above melt threshold”, International Congress on Ultrasonics, Singapore, May 2-5, 2013
85) ​A. Rakhymzhanov, Z. N. Utegulov, D. Guney and I. Veres “GHz phononic band-gap crystals: fabrication, characterization and mdeling”, Nazarbayev University Research Week, Astana, Nazarbayev University, 2013
86) R. Bolat. Z. N. Utegulov, T. Yakupov, D. Taha and T. Karabacak “Development of hard and wear-resistant density modulated coatings by magnetron sputtering”, Nazarbayev University Research Week, Astana, Nazarbayev University, 2013

87) Z. N. Utegulov, F. Farzbod, S. J. Reese, R. Schley and D.H. Hurley, “Localized determination of melting point of tungsten using laser ultrasonics”, 18th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, USA, June 24 - 29, (2012)
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